Borrow Rate
as of 02/01/2025
Last updated
as of 02/01/2025
Last updated
Differently to other assets, USH won’t follow the standard interest rate model based on supply and demand dynamics, as the supply part does not exist. For this reason, the borrowing rate is given as a smart contract parameter, which will be fully controllable by the Governance smart contract once admin rights are transferred to it. Additionally, there is a time lock as well as a maximum change allowed for increasing the rate.
As we have already mentioned, not all borrowers share the same borrowing rate: some of them might have a discount applied to the base borrowing rate. In the following section we will explain how to:
Simulate an account borrowing without a discount: Simulate the behavior of an account borrowing over time with a variable borrow rate.
Simulate an account borrowing with a discount: Simulate the behavior of an account borrowing over time with a variable borrow rate, including a variable discount applied on top of it.
We need to prepare the framework of meaningful equations before going deep into the Discount Rate Model implementation. In that sense, let’s describe the money market dynamics first:
The continuously compounded money market account satisfies the following differential equation:
in which:
is the initial condition, and
is the borrow rate, deterministic in our case.
This equation describes an account that has an initial deposited amount of which increases over time at a rate . The exact solution for this differential equation is nothing more than:
which yields:
We can implement the same discretization that we did for the money market account and obtain the following expression:
It follows that the borrow amount without a discount is just:
However, we can discretize the previous differential equation in a tenor structure using the Euler explicit method, i.e. the most simple approximation, such that:
in which goes from . is known as a rolling certificate of deposit and can be interpreted as a discrete-time equivalent of . More precisely, will approach as the time spacing of the tenor structure is made increasingly fine. We can reorder the previous equation and get:
in which we have abused notation by dropping and with . We can even go a step further and obtain:
Now, suppose there is a security that pays $1 at maturity . This security is known as the discount bond or zero coupon bond, and its value at any given time in a deterministic environment is just:
Based on what we have learned, its discrete value known as the discount factor is:
with . At this point, it is important to realize that is what is usually called the Borrow Index in smart contract jargon.
An account borrowed at any time can be translated to a time using the discount factor, such that:
so that the account borrowed amount at time is:
In other words, computing the dynamics of at all interaction times allows the translation of any borrow amount across time.
In the previous scenario, the Discount Factor or Borrow Index can be used to translate any borrow amount because all accounts are exposed to the same borrow rate. However, we now need to compute an account’s borrow even if each account has a different effective borrowing rate. This is because we apply a discount rate to the base rate and this discount rate is per user. The account borrows with discount, named , is affected by a discount amount proportional to the accrued interest between two infinitesimally close time intervals, such that:
with a discount rate . After rearrangement, we get:
With a bit of algebra and using the proven fact that , we get:
This last equation allows using the conventional Borrow Index , obtained through the money market dynamics without any kind of discount, to determine an account’s borrow with a discount rate .
The discount rate plays a crucial role in the protocol because it allows any user to borrow USH with a discount applied to the borrow rate. In this context, the discount rate is defined as a function of the collateral distribution deposited by the user in the protocol, such that the discount rate of an account with deposited collaterals of asset types behaves as:
Each market has a conversion rate (a.k.a the coverage) which determines the amount of USH that can be borrowed at a discount based on the amount of collateral :
Then, an account with a borrowed amount has a borrowed amount at a discount given by:
If , then the account’s discount rate is zero:
If , we have:
in which each is the discount rate per asset defined as a market parameter. In order to demonstrate this last equation, one can reason about the discounts being applied to each part of the account’s borrow, such that the following relationship must be true:
Finally, if there is too much coverage such that and , the protocol applies the coverage in descending order, i.e. that largest discounts are taken into consideration first.